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Russia Investigation

This folder contains data behind the story Is The Russia Investigation Really Another Watergate?.

russia-investigation.csv contains every special investigation since the Watergate probe began in 1973 and who was charged in them.

investigationUnique id for each investigation
investigation-startStart date of the investigation
investigation-endEnd date of the investigation
investigation-daysLength, in days, of the investigation. Days will be negative if the charge occured before the investigation began.
nameName of the person charged (if applicable). Will be blank if there were no charges.
indictment-days Length, in days, from the start of the investigation to the date the person was charged (if applicable). Days will be negative if the charge occured before the investigation began.
typeResult of charge (if applicable)
cp-dateDate the person pled guilty or was convicted (if applicable)
cp-daysLength, in days, from the start of the investigation to the date the person pled guilty or was convicted (if applicable)
overturnedWhether or not the relevant person's conviction was overturned
pardonedWhether or not the relevant person's charge was pardoned
americanWhether or not the relevant person's charge was a U.S. resident
presidentPresident at the center of the investigation

